THUR, MAY 15 at 1 PM
Volunteers picked up litter along the USVHS Adopt-A-Highway portion of Highway 83 to prepare for the Museum's opening.
FRI, MAY 16 at 10 AM
Volunteers helped spruce up the Museum and set up the tipi for the summer season.
Summer hours: Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, 12 - 4 PM
FRI, JUL 4 from 9 AM to 2 PM
Condon's July 4th Celebration is an important USVHS activity at the Swan Valley Community Hall and Swan Valley Museum.
Partial funding provided by Blackfoot Communications, Montana Cultural Trust, and Valley Bookkeeping & Tax Service.
SAT, AUG 2 from 3 to 5 PM
Log Home Construction.
Details to be announced.
Shores of Swan Lake
The Swan Lake Huckleberry Festival features a pancake breakfast, baking contest and bake sale, live music, silent auction and raffle, and an arts and crafts fair. The Upper Swan Valley Historical Society participates as a vendor, offering their publications for sale.
For more information on the festival, visit the website.
SUN, AUG 31 at 4 PM
The Museum is open year-round by appointment.
Contact us to schedule an appointment.
Students from Swan Valley School, Salmon Prairie School, and area home schools tour the Swan Valley Museum.
SAT, OCT 11 and SUN, OCT 12
Alpine Artisans' free Tour of the Arts features a self-guided tour of artist studios, galleries and museums throughout the Seeley-Swan and Blackfoot Valleys where one can visit with the artists and learn first hand about their art.
THUR, OCT 16 at 12 PM
SAT, DEC 6 from 10 AM to 3 PM
Swan Valley School
This event is designed to bring the community together to celebrate the holiday season and the joys of winter in the Swan Valley. The holiday bazaar and bake sale provide an opportunity to shop locally for gifts along with holiday craft activities for all ages, raffle drawings and refreshments.
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